Dep. of Propulsion

Chen Xiuhua

Post:Associate Professor

Office Phone:021-34205479

Office Address:Room A328 , Aerospace Building


Professional experience

Time Office Units Post
2004-Present Shanghai Jiaotong University Associate Professor
20118 Western Sydney University  Visiting scholar


COMAC Deputy Chief Designer
2012 University of Oxford Visiting scholar
1997-2004 Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute Engineer

Educational background

Time Graduated School Educational background
2013-2017 Shanghai Jiaotong University Ph.D.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Master of Engineering

2005-2009  Shanghai Jiao Tong University    Bachelor of Engineering

Research Interests

  • Stress Analysis of Aircraft, Aeroengine and High Speed Train Structures

  • Design and Application of Thermoplastic Composites

  • Simulation and Test of Advanced Composite Materials and Structures

  • CAE Software Development

  • Health Monitor and Repair of Composite Structures

Research projects

  • Composites Structure Design, Simulation, Testing and Repair (From COMAC, AVIC, AECC, CRRC etc)

  • Simulation and Test of Thermoplastic Structures (From COMAC, AVIC)

  • CAE Software Development (Composites Structures Design, Fatigue and Crack Propagation of Metal Structures)

Selected publications

  1. Dingzhou Wu, Xiuhua Chen*,Hongyan Qiu,Test Scheme Design and Numerical Simulation of Composite Thrust Reverser Cascade,Aerospace,2024, 11,641.
  2. Zhouyu Zheng, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Xiuhua Chen*,Nonlinear low-velocity impact response of sandwich beams with FG porous aluminum core reinforced by GPLs, Structures 59 (2024) 105663
  3. Taoye Lu, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Xiuhua Chen*, and Miaolin Feng,Linear and Nonlinear Free Vibration and Optimal Design of Bio-Inspired Helicoidal CFRPC Laminated Plates,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.Vol. 24, No. 09, 2450098 (2024)
  4. Xiuhua Chen, Hui-Shen Shen,Chong Li, Reexamination for linear and nonlinear free vibration of porous sandwich cylindrical shells reinforced by graphene platelets, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023.
  5. Xiuhua Chen, Hui-Shen Shen,Chong Li, Re-examination of nonlinear vibration, nonlinear bending and thermal postbuckling of porous sandwich beams reinforced by graphene platelets, Composite Structures, 322 (2023) 117392.
  6. Taoye Lu, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Xiuhua Chen*, Miaolin Feng, Optimization design and secondary buckling of bio-inspired helicoidal laminated plates under thermomechanical loads,Composite Structures,321 (2023) 117344.
  7. Taoye Lu, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Xiuhua Chen*, Miaolin Feng, Optimization Design and Nonlinear Bending of Bio-Inspired Helicoidal Composite Laminated Plates,Materials,2023, 16, 4550.
  8. Yunzhi Huang, Wenqing Zheng, Xiuhua Chen, Miaolin Feng,Analytic solution of quasicrystal microsphere considering the thermoelectric effect and surface effect in the elastic matrix,APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS (ENGLISH EDITION), 44(8), 1331–1350 (2023).
  9. Xiuhua Chen, Hui-Shen Shen∗, Y. Xiang, Re-examination of thermo-mechanical buckling and postbuckling responses of sandwich plates with porous FG-GPLRC core, Thin-Walled Structures, 187 (2023) 110735.
  10. Taoye Lu, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Xiuhua Chen*, Miaolin Feng, Nonlinear bending and thermal postbuckling of thermoplastic composite laminated plates under temperature variation, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 183, February 2023, 110322,
  11. Yunzhi Huang, Huayong Zheng, Xiuhua Chen, Miaolin Feng, Pull-in instability of multilayered quasicrystal cantilever nanoactuator with bonding imperfections based on nonlocal theory, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 18 (2023), No. 4, 479–502,
  12. Yunzhi Huang, Huayong Zheng, Xiuhua Chen*, Miaolin Feng*, Instability analysis of quasicrystal nano-switch with thermal effect and surface distributed forces, Z Angew Math Mech. e202200268 (2023).
  13. Jian Zhang, Xiuhua Chen*, Aiqin Tian, Yin Fan,Tests and numerical study of single-lap thermoplastic composite joints bolted by countersunk,Materials,24 March,2022
  14. Xiuhua Chen, Hui-Shen Shen, Thermo-mechanical postbuckling analysis of sandwich cylindrical panels with functionally graded auxetic GRMMC core supported by elastic foundations,Ocean Engineering,247 (2022) 110661
  15. Pu-Song Ma, Jia-Yu Ye, Kun Tian, Xiu-Hua Chen*, Lu-Wen Zhang*, Fracture phase field modeling of 3D stitched composite with optimized suture design, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 392C (2022) 114650
  16. Yunzhi Huang, Miaolin Feng, Xiuhua Chen*,Pull-in instability and vibration of quasicrystal circular nanoplate actuator based on surface effect and nonlocal elastic theory, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 02 Feb 2022
  17. Taoye Lu, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Xiuhua Chen*, Compression-after-impact effect on postbuckling behavior of thermoplastic composite laminated plates, Aerospace Science and Technology 121 (2022) 107384
  18. Yunzhi Huang, Miaolin Feng*, and Xiuhua Chen*, Stability analysis of quasicrystal torsion micromirror actuator based on the strain gradient theory, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 38, 521390 (2022)
  19. Xiuhua Chen, Hui-Shen Shen, Y,Xiang,Thermo-mechanical postbuckling analysis of sandwich cylindrical shells with functionally graded auxetic GRMMC core surrounded by an elastic medium, Thin-Walled Structures, 171 (2022) 108755
  20. Xiuhua Chen, Hui-Shen Shen,Xu-Hao Huang,Thermo-mechanical postbuckling analysis of sandwich plates with functionally graded auxetic GRMMC core on elastic foundations,Composite Structures,279 (2022) 114796
  21. Taoye Lu, Xiuhua Chen*, Hai Wang, Predicting compression-after-impact behavior of thermoplastic composite laminates by an experiment-based approach,Composites Science and Technology,213 (2021) 108952
  22. Taoye Lu, Xiuhua Chen, Hai Wang, Lei Zhang, Yinhua Zhou,A novel experiment-based approach on nonlinear bending analysis of thermoplastic composite laminates,Composites Part B,209 (2021) 108611
  23. Xuesong Zhong,Xiuhua ChenContour Segmentation of Image Damage Detection Based on Fully Convolutional Neural Network,Proceedings of the International Conference on Aerospace System Science and Engineering 2020
  24. Taoye Lu, Xiuhua Chen*, Hai Wang, Lei Zhang, Yinhua Zhou, Comparison of low-velocity impact damage in thermoplastic and thermoset composites by non-destructive three-dimensional X-ray microscope, Polymer Testing, 91, 106730 2020,
  25. Chi Duan, Xiuhua Chen*, Ruowei Li, The numerical simulation of fatigue crack propagation in Inconel 718 alloy at different temperatures, Aerospace System, 2020.
  26. Y. Qi, X. Chen, M. Feng, Molecular Dynamics-Based Analysis of the Effect of Voids and HCP-Phase Inclusion on Deformation of Single-Crystal CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A, 791, 2020.
  27. Y. Qi, X. Chen, M. Feng, Molecular dynamics-based analysis of the effect of temperature and strain rate on deformation of nanocrystalline CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy, Applied Physics A,126, 529(1-10), 2020.
  28. L. Meng, M. Yang, X. Chen, Y. Hu, M. Feng, Physically short fatigue crack growth from notch described by plasticity-corrected stress intensity factor, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,176,105544(1-9), 2020.
  29. L.W. Zhang, M.F. Kai, X.H. Chen, Si-doped graphene in geopolymer: Its interfacial chemical bonding, structure evolution and ultrastrong reinforcing ability, Cement and Concrete Composites, 109, 103522, 2020.
  30. ZhouZhou Pan, Xiuhua Chen*, LuWen Zhang, Modeling large amplitude vibration of pretwisted hybrid composite blades containing CNTRC layers and matrix cracked FRC layers, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 83, 640-659, 2020.
  31. L.W. Zhang, Z.Z. Pan, X. Chen*. Vibration characteristics of matrix cracked pretwisted hybrid composite blades containing CNTRC layers. Journal of Sound and Vibration 473 (2020) 115242.
  32. Y. Qi, X. Chen, M. Feng, Effect of void defect on c-axis deformation of single-crystal Ti under uniaxial stress conditions: Evolution of tension twinning and dislocations, Journal of Materials Research, 34, 3699-3706, 2019.
  33. T. He, M. Feng, X. Chen, Martensitic transformation effect on dislocation emission from a semi-infinite crack tip in nanocomposites, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 32, 160-172, 2019.
  34. T. He, M. Feng, X. Chen, Crack interaction with nanoscale twinning near a second-phase particle in fine-grained magnesium alloy, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 24, 1243-1255, 2019.
  35. Yao Siyuan, Chen Xiuhua*, Tension-compression fatigue behavior of 3D woven composites, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume: 388, Pages: 012016 (6 pp.) ,DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/388/1/012016 , 2018     
  36. Hai-Tao Fan, Hai Wang, Xiu-Hua Chen, Optimization of multi-sandwich-panel composite structures for minimum weight with strength and buckling considerations, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. 25(2):229-241, 2018


Honors and awards

2021 Second Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award

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Technical Support: WeiCheng